最近在購物網上看到[美國直購 ShopUSA] LaCie d2 外置硬盤驅動器 USB 3.0 Thunderbolt Series 4TB External Hard Drive (9000303) $17079 ,
[美國直購 ShopUSA] LaCie d2 外置硬盤驅動器 USB 3.0 Thunderbolt Series 4TB External Hard Drive (9000303) $17079 的產品介紹在下面,
20131119bs_眉毛輔助器 58217

Technical Details
Capacity: 4 TB
Hard Drive: 4096 GB 7200 rpm
Bundled Software: Automatic Backup Software Included
Product Details
Capacity: 4 TB
Product Dimensions: 7.2 x 2.3 x 6.6 inches ; 3.7 pounds
Shipping Weight: 5.2 pounds
Item model number: 9000303
Product Description
Capacity: 4 TB
From the Manufacturer
LaCie d2 USB3 Thunderbolt Series
Built for Pros. Stunning Speed for All.
Deadlines rule our world. When digital storage is critical for your project, it had better be as fast and reliable as you are. In every office setting, it has to connect to any computer, deliver more than enough speed for the most demanding applications, and be completely reliable. Enter the LaCie d2 USB 3.0 Thunderbolt Series.
LaCie d2 USB3 Thunderbolt Series
Universal Connectivity
Don't let your project get derailed by external drive/computer incompatibility. With both USB 3.0 and Thunderbolt interfaces, the LaCie d2 is a perfect match for your Mac and PC. And because USB 3.0 is backwards compatible, you can connect it to any standard computer on the planet. Its multiple interfaces make it the must-have sidekick to a new Mac or Ultrabook.
LaCie d2 USB3 Thunderbolt Series
Fanless aluminum heat sink design.
Advanced Cooling for Long-Term Reliability
Since effective cooling is a critical factor in hard disk reliability, LaCie completely redesigned its d2's cooling system. It's solid aluminum casing provides 60% more surface area than flat designs, diverting and dissipating heat more efficiently. Its innovative design means it stays cool without requiring a noise-producing fan. It also has more and larger air holes to facilitate airflow. This efficient and silent cooling system makes the LaCie d2 perfect for even the most noise-sensitive creative environments.
LaCie d2 USB3 Thunderbolt Series LaCie d2 USB3 Thunderbolt Series
No-Compromise Speed
Get lightning-fast transfer speeds on Mac and PC thanks to the USB 3.0 and Thunderbolt ports. It performs up to 170MB/s – that's twice as fast as FireWire 800 and more than four times as fast as USB 2.0. Back up and transfer mountains of data in a fraction of the time. Enjoy noticeably more responsive photo library browsing. Save time and get better performance when using A/V editing tools such as Avid Pro Tools, Adobe Audition, or Apple Final Cut Pro X.
Designed for Convenience
The LaCie d2 was painstakingly designed to integrate seamlessly into professional environments. With its space-saving form, you can stand it alone vertically, stack multiple products horizontally, or install it in a 19' rack with a kit from LaCie. It also features email alerts, so busy professionals can monitor their device before potential problems escalate. Whatever the professional environment, the LaCie d2 delivers convenience and piece of mind.
LaCie d2 USB3 Thunderbolt Series
System Requirements
Computer with a Thunderbolt, USB 3.0, or USB 2.0 port***
Operating System:
Thunderbolt: Latest version of Windows 7, Windows 8 (click here for Windows drivers information) / Mac OS X 10.6, 10.7, 10.8, or greater
USB 3.0:Latest version of Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 / Mac OS X 10.5 (Intel only), 10.6, 10.7, 10.8, or greater
Minimum free disk space: 600MB recommended
What's in the Box
LaCie d2 USB 3.0 Thunderbolt Series, USB 3.0 cable (USB 2.0 compatible), Thunderbolt cable, drive stand for upright use, rubber feet for horizontal use, rxternal power supply, quick install guide, CD with user manual and software.
*** Windows XP 32-bit does not support volumes with capacities exceeding 2TB.
1TB (Terabyte) = 1000GB. 1 GB = 1,000,000,000 bytes. Total accessible capacity varies depending upon operating environment (typically 5-10% less).
Product Description
Don't let your project get derailed by external drive/computer incompatibility. With both USB 3.0 and Thunderbolt interfaces, the LaCie d2 is a perfect match for your Mac and PC. And because USB 3.0 is backwards compatible, you can connect it to any standard computer on the planet. Its multiple interfaces make it the must-have sidekick to a new Mac or Ultrabook.


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儘管外匯減幅已低於 11 月的 690.6 億美元,且大致符合分析師預期熱賣;但時值人民幣貶勢加速之際,3 兆美元關卡還能守多久,不禁令人懷疑。
最新數據顯示,去年中國外匯儲備共銳減 3200 億美元,反映去年人民幣創 20 多年來最大全年跌幅,使得中國當局必須加速燃燒外匯儲備,來捍衛人民幣匯價的程度。中國國家外匯管理局週六也在聲明中表示,去年外匯儲備減少,主要歸因於人行努力穩定人民幣價格。
中國外匯儲備於 2014 年 6 月衝上歷史新高 4 兆美元之後,已連續 10 季縮減;同時間,人民幣遭遇市場信心逐漸削弱,也已連番下貶至 8 年來最低價位。
中金公司駐香港經濟學家余向榮對《彭博社》預估,中國外匯儲備可能在本月跌破 3 兆美元;而儘管從許多標準來看,這並不改變中國外匯儲備仍充足的基本情況,但破 3 兆將帶來「信心衝擊」,恐怕會造成更多市場壓力。因此他預期,中國當局應該且很可能會繼續實行嚴格的資金管制措施。
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